Red hat linux

Setting up the Basic High-Availability Cluster on Centos/RHEL 7

Networking: We have two nodes that are reachable by below Networks: : Cluster heartbeat vlan. : LAN with access to the Internal LAN network and Internet. We have set the following hostnames: [master ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname [client ~]# hostnamectl set-hostname We defined the Hostname and IP Address in “/etc/hosts” file(On both […]

Red hat linux

Setting Up an NFS Server and Client on CentOS 7

I’m using two CentOS systems here: NFS Server:, IP address: NFS Client:, IP address: Configure the Firewall firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-service=nfs firewall-cmd –reload Installing NFS and enable and start the nfs server service.(Client / Server) yum -y install nfs-utils systemctl enable nfs-server.service systemctl start nfs-server.service Exporting Directories on the Server mkdir […]


Install and Configure MySQL Cluster on CentOS 7

MySQL Cluster is designed to provide a MySQL compatible database with high availability and low latency. The MySQL Cluster technology is implemented through the NDB (Network DataBase) and NDBCLUSTER storage engines and provides shared-nothing clustering and auto-sharding for MySQL database systems. In the shared-nothing architecture, each of nodes has its own memory and disk, the […]

Red hat linux

PHP 5.6 on CentOS/RHEL 7.4 and 6.9 via Yum

To install, first you must add the Webtatic EL yum repository information corresponding to your CentOS/RHEL version to yum: CentOS/RHEL 7.x: rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh CentOS/RHEL 6.x: rpm -Uvh rpm -Uvh Remove old php version yum remove php* Now you can install PHP 5.6’s mod_php SAPI (along with an opcode cache) […]

nagios Red hat linux

Send Nagios SMS Alert with Gnokii

Installing Gnokii Requirements – intltool-0.35.0-2.i386.rpm tar -xzvf gnokii-0.6.28.tar.gz cd gnokii-0.6.28 ./configure make make install cp -Rdp /usr/share/doc/gnokii/sample/gnokiirc /root/.gnokiirc or cp -Rdp /usr/share/doc/gnokii/sample/gnokiirc /etc/gnokiirc configure Gnokii for Wavecom GSM modem #vim /root/.gnokiirc [global] port = /dev/ttyS0 model = AT initlength = default connection = serial use_locking = no serial_baudrate = 9600 smsc_timeout = 10 [xgnokii] allow_breakage […]